Evil or Insane? The Female Serial Killer and Her Doubly Deviant Femininity(10) Helen Gavin


Evil or Insane? The Female Serial Killer and Her Doubly Deviant Femininity(10)

Helen Gavin



9.   Female serial killers (10)

Are we getting closer to an explanation for our female serial killer? We can agree that the most likely motive for a female serial killer is financial gain and security. However, although there are typologies that include gain, we must also include the insane or rage filled, like Wuornos, the rare hedonistic pleasure seeker like Bathory, and the ‘disciple’ who kills to please a charismatic leader or partner, like Hindley. What is clear is that the female serial killer is a rare and unusual creature, and that our perception of her is bound up with notions of femininity, subservient womanhood and evil.


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