Is the role of deviant sexual fantasy related to the types of sexual offence committed by Ted Bundy? (7)


Is the role of deviant sexual fantasy related to the types of sexual offence committed by Ted Bundy? Draw upon underlying theory in your answer. (7)



7 Williams et al (2009) proposed that there are different factors that predict sexual behavior together with high risk fantasies, namely psychopathy and pornography. The research is the first to report a link between psychopathy and sexual fantasies. It was found that deviant sexual fantasies may be appealing and welcomed by those scoring high in psychopathy (Williams et al, 2009). Psychopathy is a clinical construction defined by a constellation of interpersonal, affective, and lifestyle characteristics on both interpersonal and affective levels. On an interpersonal level, psychopaths are grandiose, arrogant, callous, dominant, superficial, and manipulative. On an affective level, they are short-tempered, unable to form strong emotional bonds with others, and lacking in guilt and anxiety. These interpersonal and affective features are associated with a socially deviant lifestyle that includes irresponsible and impulsive behavior together with a tendency to ignore or violate social conventions and mores (Hare, 1999). Therefore, individuals who are diagnosed with psychopathy are more likely to turn their deviant fantasies into high risk fantasies as they lack empathy and engage in deviant behavior. Although it has been claimed that Bundy was affected by antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) (Nieztel, 1998), he can be better described as psychopath (Labrode, 2007). Even though both ASPD and psychopathy share most, if not all, the characteristics, Hare (1996) described psychopaths more accurately as “remorseless predators who use charm, intimidation and, if necessary impulsive and cold-blooded violence to attain their ends” (Hare, 1996 cited in Labrode, 2007, pp.152).  Some of the dynamics of Bundy’s crimes were acknowledged when he confessed the murder of the college student Georgann Hawkins. He reported that on that day he asked numerous women to help him carry his books to his car until Georgann agreed to do so. He showed his charm engaging in an amiable conversation with her as they made their way to the car. As Georgann approached the car to deposit the books through the passenger door, Bundy scooped up the crowbar that he intentionally left on the ground and knocked her unconscious from behind.  Subsequently, he handcuffed her, dragged her into the car and drive to the countryside to accomplish his goals (Vronsky, 2004).

However, both psychopathy and deviant sexual fantasies appear to be necessary but not sufficient conditions for a link between sexual fantasies and behaviours. Williams et al (2009) study also highlights the effects of pornography use. Despite the arguments that label pornography as serving a cathartic function (Diamond, 2009), Williams et al (2009) found that pornography may activate or escalate the deviant sexual behaviour of psychopaths. As mentioned above, Bundy’s interest in pornography was the first step toward his sex addiction. In his last interview he expressed how damaging pornography could be and has been in his case. He declared to be addicted to “the most damaging kinds of pornography […] those that involve violence and sexual violence” (Desert News, 1989, pp. 2). To sum it up, pornography in Bundy’s case may have encouraged and promoted the pre-existing attitudes of his psychopathy with respect to sexually deviant behaviour (Williams et al, 2009). However, psychopathy, in Mokros et al (2010) study, has shown to overlap and interrelate with sexual sadism. Sexual sadism is a paraphilia- deviant sexual behaviour- that focuses on arousal to fantasies, urges or acts of inflicting pain, suffering or humiliation on another human-being. In accordance with the path model made by Kirsch and Becker (2007) that affective deficits and behavioural disinhibition should have an effect on the expression of sexually sadistic behaviour (Mokros et al, 2010). Bundy well acknowledged his drive to inflict pain and, as he stated, “there is just absolutely no way to describe the brutal urge to do that kind of thing” (Deseret News, 1989, pp.3). Following the capture of Geogann Hawkins, he drove her to the countryside where he strangled her to death and engaged in intercourse with her until dawn (Vronsky, 2004). 


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